23 May What will I learn in BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication?
It can be hard to decide which course is right for you, especially if there are a variety of subjects that you’re interested in. While marketing is a sought after industry to be in, students often wonder what exactly they will be learning in BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication and what the difference between the Certificate IV and Diploma level courses are. So today we’re going to go through these frequently asked questions.
What will I learn in BSB42415 Certificate IV Marketing & Communication?
The BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication combines real life clients with your marketing studies to help students contextualise and understand the processes involved. Skills students will learn include how to position a product, branding, promotional activities, traditional marketing activities, integrated marketing campaigns and more; all with a strong digital focus.
In many of the assessments, students are given a real world client as their case study and they are required to provide solutions and plans that could easily be implemented. This means the student has to keep in mind a reasonable budget, audience and brand requirements. Entrepreneur Education uses this technique to best prepare students for the real world. By doing this, our students confidence and understanding of marketing grows and allows them to find their own passion within the field whether it traditional or digital techniques.
How is this course different to the BSB52415 Diploma of Marketing & Communication?
The BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication is a pre-requisite in order to complete the Diploma. This is because when students join the Diploma there is an expectation that they have previously studied marketing, are familiar with the terminology and understand a creative way of thinking. The Diploma will then incorporate Adobe Suite as part of the students work, so they become familiar with working on the different tools and can conceptualise their own campaigns in a visual way.
Is social media part of this course?
Yes, social media tools will be integrated throughout this course. There is a specific mobile-focused element in some assessments which encourage students to utilise social media and learn more about it. This marketing course keeps up with current trends in the industry, encouraging students to stay up-to-date with industry best practice. This means new tools and resources are continuously sourced and updated so that students can stay on top of this fast paced industry.
Will I meet people and network in this course?
There are elements of group work and team based discussions throughout this course which will enable students to meet new people and grow their network. We encourage discussion and students to collaborate with each other and share ideas.
How else will marketing benefit me?
Marketing is a part of every industry which is why it is such a beneficial subject to study. If you’re looking at opening your own business or simply want to work for a corporate organisation, having a good understanding of marketing will help you understand how a business works. Marketing is the key to expanding business opportunities and discovering new avenues of growth and encourages students to adopt a creative way of thinking.
Chat to our team today about your different pathways through studying BSB42415 Certificate IV in Marketing & Communication.